Monday, December 29, 2014

1$ Hypnosis Sale!

Jones´s 1$ Hypnosis Sale!

It will be closed today, pacific midnight.
Hurry Up to get yours! 
Download all your Favourites from here:

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Hypnosis Sale!

Holiday Sale on Jones´s Hypnosis!

Use this rare oportunity to download some of the Steve´s Hypnosis,
or all of them,
Awailable only during The Holidays!!

Merry Christmas for all!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

Free Top Reading for Christmas!

This Christmas you can have a powerful reading experience, for free!

Like I have told you earlier, I really love reading this book:

Now you have rare chance to read
Apsara´s Dance by J.M.Davies
for FREE !
(limited time)

Just click the picture above or follow this link: 
to get wonderful reading for Christmas Holidays 
give as a Gift for someone you Love, 
 for free!

Thank You J.M.Davies! 
this is really nice Christmas Present from You!

(from here you can visit her blog)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Woderful movie

Something nice to watch:


Wonderful movie about to realize 
what is important in life!

New book from J.M.Davies

J.M.Davies is gonna release her new book soon!

Thank You J.M.Davies!
Really looking forward to be able to read Your new book!

If you haven´t yet red Her previous book
I really recommend you to do so
while waiting this new release!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Daily meditation habit

Now that Deepak's 21+1 days meditation journey has been done, 

I really hope you will continue this effective daily meditation habit.
It is The Key to your success in all the sections of your life!

 Thank You Deepak and Oprah, 
This was once again a beautiful journey!

Keep Up Your a Fantastic Meditation Habit!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Be patient!

Everything comes to you at the Right time!

So, Be patient and Enjoy Your Fantastic waiting time!

You can check more quotes from:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Your Numerology Report!

Want to be ready for year 2015 and for your new life...?


You will be amazed about their accuracy when you receive the report that they have prepared for you according to your name!

Have a Fantastic Friday!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Magic Day 11.11.

Today is the Magical Day 11.11.

Check out this inspiring Numerology / Astrology video about November, 11.11. and it´s wonderful energies!

To see it, 
Click my Videos section above
 go to my Videos site from Here.

Have a Fantastic Visualization Day 11.11.!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

21 Day Meditation with Deepak!

Time to mark your calender so that you have time for this wonderful meditation journey with Deepak!

Have a Fantastic Day!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

You can create your life

You can manifest your life to be just the way you want it to be!

"Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve."

From: The Secret: Daily Teachings

Have a Fantastic Manifestation Day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

10 Keys to Happiness!

Master these 10 keys and you will find your true Happiness

Happiness should be everyone's goal in life.
When you are Happy, you can share happiness also to others and that way make our world a better place!
Here you can read Deepak's whole article about these 10 Key Elements: 

 If you want a quick look about those, below is The List about 10 Key Elements to Happiness, by Deepak Chopra:

 1. Listen to your body.

 2. Live in the Present.

 3. Meditate.

 4. Relinquish your need for external approval.

 5. Relinquish your anger.

 6. Know that the world “out there” reflects your reality “in here.” 7. Shed the burden of judgment.

 8. Don’t contaminate your body with toxins, either through food, drink, or toxic emotions.

 9. Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated behavior.

 10. Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence.

 Have a Happy start to your FantasticLiving!

Friday, September 19, 2014

From inside to outside

We have to work from inside out when we want to manifest something to our lives.

Everything starts from the thought that we have.
Like Proctor says: 

                                       - Thank you Bob Proctor!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Doubt Yourself!

Another wise quote from Proctor:

                                                   - Thank you Bob!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Universe will answer, stay tuned!

Wise quote from The Secret: Daily Teachings

The truth is that the Universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are aware. Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day. The channels those answers can come through are unlimited. They could be delivered in the form of a newspaper headline that attracts your attention, or overhearing someone speaking, or a song on the radio, or signage on a truck passing by, or receiving a sudden inspiration. Remember to remember, and become aware.

So, when ever you will have any questions to ask on your way to your FantasticLiving: send your questons to the Universe, pay attention and you will get the answer! 
Your answer might even pop up in this site, so stay tuned!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Expect The Best!

Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things to you. As Bob Proctor (featured in The Secret) says, "Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life."

Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. What do you expect now?

The Secret: Daily Teachings

Monday, September 1, 2014

Link fixed!

Link in my previous text did not work earlier but now it has been fixed and it works again.

Thank you Sam that you let me know! :)
Nice to have attentive readers, thanks again!

Get empowered life!

Here is a really good article about 7 great habits which we all should put to action on the way towards our own FantasticLiving. 

And what is here even better, we can lift up and boost other person's lives on the way! 
That is the way we should walk our paths of lives, helping others!

If you don't have enough time to read the whole article (link below to Hoffpost's site) here is a short version of those 7Habits:

* Be more mindful
Pay attention. The way to expand your awareness.

* Forgive more
It will free energy for you to grow, expand and evolve.

* Have complaint-free days
Keep positive and productive mindset.

* Gratitude
Gratefulness will set your mind to abundance mode and that will attract more things in to your life for you to be even more grateful.

* Inspire and empower others
That is the greatest give we can give.

* Set out to be constantly compassionate
That will help other's minds and souls to awaken to their true potential.

* Smile more
Smile to yourself and to others! It is the the most simplest, easiest gesture to cheer up others life. And it will increase your mood too!

Click below to read whole article from Huffpost, by Jen Groover:
7 habits for an empowered life

Her mother's mantra is very usefull for everyone:
"You are not allowed to complain about something unless you are going to do something about it."

Have a Fantastic Day!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Feel Grateful!

"If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true"

-Wallace Wattles- (1860-1911)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who you will be?

"What you are is what you have been, who you will be is what you do now."


Friday, August 15, 2014

Worrying is something you don't want

"Worrying is using your imagination to create

something you don't want."

- Abraham -

Monday, August 11, 2014

21-Days meditation

Last Friday's powerful Global meditation for Peace is done and also first day of Deepak's 21-Days meditational journey to Happiness, which started today.

I hope you liked those as much as I have!

If you are not yet in, you can still go to their site and register for Free to this wonderful journey with Deepak and Oprah.    Click here to Meditate with Deepak and Oprah!

At the same site where you get all the meditations, is also a button where you can keep your meditation diary. There are some questions for every day to help you to figer out your goals and get more out of this meditational journey. Very handy feature!

If  you don't want to write your thoughts to your computer/pad/phone or what ever electrical system you are using while listenig these meditations, then I strongly advice you to write your thoughts on paper because writing is very powerful way to boost up your thoughts.

Writing your thoughts and goals by hand is propably even more powerful than writing with computer, because you are more connected to your real self while handwriting.

I wish you all Fantastic journey with this wonderful 21-Day meditation with Deepak and Oprah!

Now on Twitter!

Now you can follow me also on Twitter! 
Check out:  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Are you in...?

 Chopra meditation

If you are not yet in, Now would be perfect Time to join this Free Global Meditation!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Meditate with Friends

Chakra Cleaning

To be able to receive maximum results from your efforts on your way to your Fantastic Living, it is good to work with wide variation of techniques.
Earlier I have already talked for example about hypnosis, affirmations, goal cards, etc.

It is a good idea to take some Energy / Life force -based techniques also to your toolbox.

You can choose from all kinds of methods witch are using the life's energy. 
I have been working with ReiKi and Healing.
It doesn't matter witch method you choose because it is the same energy, it just takes different forms. That's because we all are different, so we need differend types of approaches to reach our selfgrowth. 

Choose the one witch resonates best with you, feels good and makes you feel ease and confident while using it.

Later I will get back to more about these methods but now I would like to share a short free animated video with you about Chakra cleaning.
It is basics about Chakras and their cleaning, easy way told in "children´s program".

When your Chakras are open, life force runs easily through you and you will be more connected to the universe, then your affirmations and visualizations will really boost up!

This kind of programs I would like to see more on children's tv-channels!

Or use VIDEOS button on top of this page.

It would have been great to watch something like this when I was a child..!  :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Masterpiece of your life

"You want to become aware of your thoughts,
you want to choose your thoughts carefully
you want to have Fun with this,
because you are the Masterpiece of your own life!
You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you.
And you do it with your Thoughts."

                                                                                                         -Joe Vitale-

Friday, July 25, 2014

Belief and burning desire will get you where you want

"There is nothing…
which belief, plus burning desire, cannot make real." ­
                                    -Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich-

Monday, July 21, 2014

Be pickier about what you Think

"You are picky about the car you drive.
You´re picky about what you wear.
You´re picky about what you put in your mouth....
Be pickier about what you Think!"

-Abraham Hicks-                                          


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Schedule of life

Like earlier I have already told, my own path of life has had ups and downs like the most of us.
My personal growth has also been quite slow, but I´m getting there on my own timetable that suites perfectly for me.

We all have our own schedule inside of us. 

We can just passively follow that original schedule or we can actively influence our schedule to go faster by being present all the time and notice life´s / angel´s guidance so that we can grab the new opportunities right away when they manifest the first time in to our lives!

If we miss our shown opportunity, don´t worry, it will be send to us again and again until we notice it and grab it!
It will be every time a bit different how it looks like, to fit our life at that particular time, but it will finally lead us anyways to our planned destination.

If I go back to the beginning of my "spiritual" journey, my schedule, I think that my first touch to it was via reading some books about hypnosis witch I found from my parents bookshelf.
I used some of that knowledge in my sporting hobby via self-hypnosis: mental practice and relaxation.
(You can find more about hypnosis from certified clinical hypnotherapist Jones´s site. There, go to his Articles section to read more about how does it work and where you can use it)

I did also some reading of all kinds of spiritual material from dead spirits to healers and angles, etc...
Also martial arts started to get my attention as teenager and I did some training in Karate, Taekwon-Do and Tai-Chi. I was more interested about the mental/spiritual -Do part of those, than the actual fighting part.

While training those forms I found meditation and the "inside energy" of the humans. From that time onward I have been on-and-off in meditation.
Trying to be more on that on-side than off-side in the future!
You probably can already guess that I got biggest "introduction" to inner power and meditation from Tai-Chi and Qigong.

I will get back to my journey and my schedule of life later in my writings.

Meanwhile, be present to catch your "schedule boosters" and keep up building your Fantasticlife!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Think that you can

"Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you are right."


                                                        by Henry Ford

Monday, June 23, 2014

Use your Power

I don´t remember the origin of this one.
If you do, please let me know so that I can give him/her credits about this! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Daily affirmations and hypnosis work well together

Earlier in this blog I have had text about affirmations and hypnosis.

Those two can be used together really successfully:
Hypnosis is really effective way to influence your negative beliefs and to help you to reach your goals, by first reaching your subconscious mind. And then daily affirmations to keep you up in good thoughts and feelings.

There must be many good hypnotherapists out there, but I have so far only tried and used Dr.Jones´s services successfully, for example for self confidence.
Listening his recordings just before going to sleep is very effective way to reach your subconscious mind and subconscious beliefs.

Even without hypnosis recordings you can work your life better:
Just before falling a sleep, think positive thoughts about your life now and the way you want it to be in the future. Try to feel it also!
During your sleep, your good thoughts are tuning your subconscious mind so that you can start to attract the life you want!

Once more:
Find out your negative beliefs
Turn them in to positive ones
Learn that you deserve those things
Feel how good it feels to have those things
Work with positive affirmations towards your goals!

Here is link to Dr.Jones´s Hypnosis site if you want to use his professional help to reach your goals bit faster!
And to get: Louise Hay´s 101 Positive thoughts cd

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hay House Worldsummit replay

Now are all free speeches available for listening until June 12!
If you missed one or want to refresh your memory about something, now you have chance to do it. Just use your previous link to Hay House schedule-site and pick a speech from the day you want...

Monday, June 9, 2014

How to stay motivated..?

Yes, that is a Big question, How to stay motivated?

We all need motivation, and we need to stay motivated, to be able to reach our goals.
It doesn't matter is it our work, hobby, self development or what so ever... we need to be, and stay, focused and motivated.

It is really easy to feel motivated for example after watching some good self-help movie, reading a inspiring book, participating a lifting seminar, etc. But so many times we loose our motivation after few weeks or days, or even after few hours..!

Keeping our focuse and staying motivated, those are key things while reaching towards our goals.
Of course we need to do some work to keep those up. And we need to do it ourselves, no-one will/can do it for us.
Like Bob Proctor says: "it is like we are fired up after seminars and such, and like any fire, we need to keep adding fuel to it, other ways it will just burn away!"

He also lists three simple, but highly effective, ways to stay motivated:
  1. Carry a Goal Card
  2. Create a support system
  3. Counter the flood

  • Goal Card is shortly said a peace of paper where you write your goal, you will curry it with you and you will take a look at it as many times per day as you possibly can. That way you have your goal all the time sharply in your mind, so you stay motivated and focused.
  • Create a support system: you can have a good friend, collegue, fellow from some seminar or even your spouse who can be your support team, your small mastermind. Tell that person your goals so that you have someone to discus with about your challenges, share your triumphs and brakethrougs and you can remind each other about your goals and dreams when ever going gets tough
  • Counter the flood. When your fired up feeling starts going down, your old believes and habits and "I can't do it" thoughts will start to rise like a flood. You need to counter that flood by reading lifting newsletters, blogs, read a classical books (he mentions like: Man Thinketh, The Science of Getting Rich, Think and Grow Rich), make a recervation to your next seminar or class and mark it to your callender, etc..
You can read Proctors own words about these from his site:

Click here to get in to Proctors site to read about these three easy ways to stay motivated!

I learned earlier about Goal Cards from those books mentioned above and started to use them then right away. Easy, fun and effective!
Later on my path I have also put those other two in to action with good results. Those three will work best while using them together.

And of course:
It doesn't help us much if we just know about these, we need to put them in to action by using them reqularily!!

Have a fantastic day doing your Goal Cards, getting your support system and doing some flood countering readings!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Meditate, even short while per day!

Here is another wisdom from The Secret's daily teachings.
Just a small thing but oh so powerful in use!

"One way to master your mind is to learn to quiet your mind. Every teacher in The Secret uses meditation as a daily practice. It wasn't until I discovered The Secret that I realized how powerful meditation can be. Meditation quiets your mind, helps control your thoughts, and revitalizes your body. Just three to ten minutes of meditation a day to begin with, can be incredibly powerful for gaining control over your thoughts."

I personly think that if you do even short time of meditation before you start to visualize what you want to your life, it will be a really big booster for you to achieve your goals because then your brain is in perfect state where it can start manifesting your wishes!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hypnosis sale extension!

Dr. Jones has given extension to his hypnosis sale!
Wow! No we have more time, until friday, to choose our favourite hypnosis files just for 1$ each!

Click here to get hypnosis mp3 files just 1$ each!

Here is some information about Dr. Jones:

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of 14 books on Hypnotherapy. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. In order to keep up with the very latest in research, he regularly attends training conferences.

More info about him you can find when you visit his site via link below:

and there go to his About section.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Last minute Hypnosis!

I was gonna write about hypnosis later but I just had to put this one already now out cause I just found out that hypnotherapist Jones has a big sale in his Hypnosis site!

I have used some of his downloads and found them really good: something for relaxing, good memory, energy, etc...

Unfortunately this sale is ending already tonight, sunday midnight, so hurry up and visit below link where you can download all kinds of hypnosis mp3 files, just for 1$ each!!

Click here to get hypnosis mp3 files just 1$ each!

There is no limit for downloads!
So grab as many as you like and pay just 1$ each file.

Have a hypnotic start for June!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hay House World Summit

When last time these people arranged same kind of happening as this one, it was really good!
So now that they are doing it again I think that I can recommend it to everyone!

World's Top teachers of Health, Wellness, Relationships and Spirituality are sharing so much excellent information for free during their 10 day summit through audio lessons that there is definitely gonna be at least some useful material for everyone.

Here is the link to their site:

It is totally Free to participate, so I really recommend you to take a look!

I have high hopes again for this happening, so I really hope that you are gonna like it too!

Ps. Please share a comment afterwards what did you find to be the most helpful lesson in this summit for you!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Journey towards Fantasticliving...

I have started this blog because I want to create a site where people can come and find some useful information that they can use while they are building their own life, towards their Fantasticliving!

I think that I have already found quite a few nice peaces that fit very well to my own puzzle-of-life. And while finding those peaces I must say that I have walked also some deturs but every now and then I have also found some nice persons/books/etc that have showed me some "fast tracks", or shortcuts, the way how to get bit easier to the next level and towards my life's goal, my Fantasticliving!

From that journey I'm gonna pick some things and information witch I think have been helpful to me, to this site, so that you would have bit easier task while trying to find your way, the way to your goal.

We all are different and have different goals in our lives, so I am not gonna say that my way is the right way and that all these texts, books, videos, etc... are best for everyone but I want to share what have been helpful to me and I hope that I can help at least someone on his/her journey towards their goal!

So take a look around the site and see if there is already something you find to be helpful for you and come back soon to see new things/updates!

Life is fun if you give it a chance!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wise saying from Buddha...

"Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good."
  ~ Buddha ~

Monday, May 5, 2014

Be patient...

While we are building our own puzzle-of-life (right nutrition, physical and mental exercises, way of  our own spirituality, best combination between work and freetime, relationships with our friends and lovedones, etc...) we have to be patient and willing to drop out peaces that don't fit to us and then try to find better ones.
So keep calm and patient on your way towards your Fantasticliving!

If something looks interesting to you, try it.
If you then notice that it is not for you then you can try something else. At least you have tried to do something that would get you towards your goal insted of  just passively waiting for something to happen!
Some things just need first some time you to practice it, to master it. So don't quit too easily!

Someone has said:
"Anything worth doing well is worth doing it first poorly until you can do it well."

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Water is really important for us!

Here are some Benefits of Drinking Water:
1. Flushes Out Toxins: Removes waste via sweat and urination. Lowers risk to get kidney stones.
2. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue: Most of our brain is water. Drinking water keeps your brain function like it should so it helps you to focus, think and concentrate better and be more alert. It boosts also your energy levels!
3. Promotes Weight Loss: Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake by filling up your stomach if used prior to meals, reduces hunger, raises your metabolism and has zero calories!
4. Improves Skin: Skin moisturizer: keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Smoothens wrinkles. Best anti-aging treatment around!
5.Immune System Booster: Water user less likely gets sick. Drinking plenty of water helps to fight against flu and other diseases, even heart attacks.
6. Prevents Cramps: Helps to keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic => joint pain is less likely.
7. Gives a Good Mood:  When your body is functioning at its best you will bee Happy and feel Great!

...and these are just some of the benefits of water!

Go get some water and have a Fantastic Day!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Vitamins, herbs and water...

Vitamins and herbs are working pretty nicely and flu is almost gone! :)
Water is of course also one major element when trying to get well but we should try to remember to drink enough water regularly also in our everyday lives! Around two liters per day for adults could be pretty good goal for every adult person.  :)

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Easter time has usually been for me time to relax and turn inside but this year flu is trying to take control of my body... :(

But I won't give up!! :D 

Some multivitamins, thyme, vitamin-D, garlic, ginger and other good stuff, of course including dark chocolate due easter!  ;) will get me back on track in no time! :)

So, Happy Easter for Everyone! :D

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Happiness of our lives consists of small peaces:
just pick as many peaces as you want to determine the amount of happiness in your life!