Tuesday, September 23, 2014

10 Keys to Happiness!

Master these 10 keys and you will find your true Happiness

Happiness should be everyone's goal in life.
When you are Happy, you can share happiness also to others and that way make our world a better place!
Here you can read Deepak's whole article about these 10 Key Elements: http://tinyurl.com/mxfp6mw 

 If you want a quick look about those, below is The List about 10 Key Elements to Happiness, by Deepak Chopra:

 1. Listen to your body.

 2. Live in the Present.

 3. Meditate.

 4. Relinquish your need for external approval.

 5. Relinquish your anger.

 6. Know that the world “out there” reflects your reality “in here.” 7. Shed the burden of judgment.

 8. Don’t contaminate your body with toxins, either through food, drink, or toxic emotions.

 9. Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated behavior.

 10. Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence.

 Have a Happy start to your FantasticLiving!

Friday, September 19, 2014

From inside to outside

We have to work from inside out when we want to manifest something to our lives.

Everything starts from the thought that we have.
Like Proctor says: 

                                       - Thank you Bob Proctor!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Doubt Yourself!

Another wise quote from Proctor:

                                                   - Thank you Bob!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Universe will answer, stay tuned!

Wise quote from The Secret: Daily Teachings

The truth is that the Universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are aware. Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day. The channels those answers can come through are unlimited. They could be delivered in the form of a newspaper headline that attracts your attention, or overhearing someone speaking, or a song on the radio, or signage on a truck passing by, or receiving a sudden inspiration. Remember to remember, and become aware.

So, when ever you will have any questions to ask on your way to your FantasticLiving: send your questons to the Universe, pay attention and you will get the answer! 
Your answer might even pop up in this site, so stay tuned!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Expect The Best!

Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things to you. As Bob Proctor (featured in The Secret) says, "Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life."

Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. What do you expect now?

The Secret: Daily Teachings

Monday, September 1, 2014

Link fixed!

Link in my previous text did not work earlier but now it has been fixed and it works again.

Thank you Sam that you let me know! :)
Nice to have attentive readers, thanks again!

Get empowered life!

Here is a really good article about 7 great habits which we all should put to action on the way towards our own FantasticLiving. 

And what is here even better, we can lift up and boost other person's lives on the way! 
That is the way we should walk our paths of lives, helping others!

If you don't have enough time to read the whole article (link below to Hoffpost's site) here is a short version of those 7Habits:

* Be more mindful
Pay attention. The way to expand your awareness.

* Forgive more
It will free energy for you to grow, expand and evolve.

* Have complaint-free days
Keep positive and productive mindset.

* Gratitude
Gratefulness will set your mind to abundance mode and that will attract more things in to your life for you to be even more grateful.

* Inspire and empower others
That is the greatest give we can give.

* Set out to be constantly compassionate
That will help other's minds and souls to awaken to their true potential.

* Smile more
Smile to yourself and to others! It is the the most simplest, easiest gesture to cheer up others life. And it will increase your mood too!

Click below to read whole article from Huffpost, by Jen Groover:
7 habits for an empowered life

Her mother's mantra is very usefull for everyone:
"You are not allowed to complain about something unless you are going to do something about it."

Have a Fantastic Day!