Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hay House World Summit

When last time these people arranged same kind of happening as this one, it was really good!
So now that they are doing it again I think that I can recommend it to everyone!

World's Top teachers of Health, Wellness, Relationships and Spirituality are sharing so much excellent information for free during their 10 day summit through audio lessons that there is definitely gonna be at least some useful material for everyone.

Here is the link to their site:

It is totally Free to participate, so I really recommend you to take a look!

I have high hopes again for this happening, so I really hope that you are gonna like it too!

Ps. Please share a comment afterwards what did you find to be the most helpful lesson in this summit for you!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Journey towards Fantasticliving...

I have started this blog because I want to create a site where people can come and find some useful information that they can use while they are building their own life, towards their Fantasticliving!

I think that I have already found quite a few nice peaces that fit very well to my own puzzle-of-life. And while finding those peaces I must say that I have walked also some deturs but every now and then I have also found some nice persons/books/etc that have showed me some "fast tracks", or shortcuts, the way how to get bit easier to the next level and towards my life's goal, my Fantasticliving!

From that journey I'm gonna pick some things and information witch I think have been helpful to me, to this site, so that you would have bit easier task while trying to find your way, the way to your goal.

We all are different and have different goals in our lives, so I am not gonna say that my way is the right way and that all these texts, books, videos, etc... are best for everyone but I want to share what have been helpful to me and I hope that I can help at least someone on his/her journey towards their goal!

So take a look around the site and see if there is already something you find to be helpful for you and come back soon to see new things/updates!

Life is fun if you give it a chance!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wise saying from Buddha...

"Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good."
  ~ Buddha ~

Monday, May 5, 2014

Be patient...

While we are building our own puzzle-of-life (right nutrition, physical and mental exercises, way of  our own spirituality, best combination between work and freetime, relationships with our friends and lovedones, etc...) we have to be patient and willing to drop out peaces that don't fit to us and then try to find better ones.
So keep calm and patient on your way towards your Fantasticliving!

If something looks interesting to you, try it.
If you then notice that it is not for you then you can try something else. At least you have tried to do something that would get you towards your goal insted of  just passively waiting for something to happen!
Some things just need first some time you to practice it, to master it. So don't quit too easily!

Someone has said:
"Anything worth doing well is worth doing it first poorly until you can do it well."

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Water is really important for us!

Here are some Benefits of Drinking Water:
1. Flushes Out Toxins: Removes waste via sweat and urination. Lowers risk to get kidney stones.
2. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue: Most of our brain is water. Drinking water keeps your brain function like it should so it helps you to focus, think and concentrate better and be more alert. It boosts also your energy levels!
3. Promotes Weight Loss: Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake by filling up your stomach if used prior to meals, reduces hunger, raises your metabolism and has zero calories!
4. Improves Skin: Skin moisturizer: keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Smoothens wrinkles. Best anti-aging treatment around!
5.Immune System Booster: Water user less likely gets sick. Drinking plenty of water helps to fight against flu and other diseases, even heart attacks.
6. Prevents Cramps: Helps to keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic => joint pain is less likely.
7. Gives a Good Mood:  When your body is functioning at its best you will bee Happy and feel Great!

...and these are just some of the benefits of water!

Go get some water and have a Fantastic Day!