Friday, August 22, 2014

Feel Grateful!

"If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true"

-Wallace Wattles- (1860-1911)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who you will be?

"What you are is what you have been, who you will be is what you do now."


Friday, August 15, 2014

Worrying is something you don't want

"Worrying is using your imagination to create

something you don't want."

- Abraham -

Monday, August 11, 2014

21-Days meditation

Last Friday's powerful Global meditation for Peace is done and also first day of Deepak's 21-Days meditational journey to Happiness, which started today.

I hope you liked those as much as I have!

If you are not yet in, you can still go to their site and register for Free to this wonderful journey with Deepak and Oprah.    Click here to Meditate with Deepak and Oprah!

At the same site where you get all the meditations, is also a button where you can keep your meditation diary. There are some questions for every day to help you to figer out your goals and get more out of this meditational journey. Very handy feature!

If  you don't want to write your thoughts to your computer/pad/phone or what ever electrical system you are using while listenig these meditations, then I strongly advice you to write your thoughts on paper because writing is very powerful way to boost up your thoughts.

Writing your thoughts and goals by hand is propably even more powerful than writing with computer, because you are more connected to your real self while handwriting.

I wish you all Fantastic journey with this wonderful 21-Day meditation with Deepak and Oprah!

Now on Twitter!

Now you can follow me also on Twitter! 
Check out:  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Are you in...?

 Chopra meditation

If you are not yet in, Now would be perfect Time to join this Free Global Meditation!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Meditate with Friends

Chakra Cleaning

To be able to receive maximum results from your efforts on your way to your Fantastic Living, it is good to work with wide variation of techniques.
Earlier I have already talked for example about hypnosis, affirmations, goal cards, etc.

It is a good idea to take some Energy / Life force -based techniques also to your toolbox.

You can choose from all kinds of methods witch are using the life's energy. 
I have been working with ReiKi and Healing.
It doesn't matter witch method you choose because it is the same energy, it just takes different forms. That's because we all are different, so we need differend types of approaches to reach our selfgrowth. 

Choose the one witch resonates best with you, feels good and makes you feel ease and confident while using it.

Later I will get back to more about these methods but now I would like to share a short free animated video with you about Chakra cleaning.
It is basics about Chakras and their cleaning, easy way told in "children´s program".

When your Chakras are open, life force runs easily through you and you will be more connected to the universe, then your affirmations and visualizations will really boost up!

This kind of programs I would like to see more on children's tv-channels!

Or use VIDEOS button on top of this page.

It would have been great to watch something like this when I was a child..!  :)